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How Do You Winterise A Static Caravan

Winter is as sure as sunrise, at least for those who live in climatic regions that experience the four seasons. But no matter how many times we’ve faced winter before, we never seem to be adequately prepared for its vagaries. Read on to find out how to winterise a static caravan.

For caravanners who prefer vacationing in the wilds of winter, there’s usually the crucial part of getting their caravans winter-ready. The process of preparing a caravan for the winter is what’s known as winterisation. 

As we’ve just indicated, winterisation is a crucial procedure when considering vacation during winter. That’s especially true for static caravans. If left to their own devices, static caravans can suffer irreparable winter-related damages. 

Much of this damage results from the cold due to subzero temperature conditions. It could also come from the water damage caused by flooding and ice melting. Before you know it, you could be dealing with frozen pipes, mildew, condensation, and even wildlife infestations. 

Fortunately, there are several ways to winterise your static caravan. In this post, we share some insightful tips on how to go about getting your holiday home winter-ready. 

How to Winterize a Static Caravan

1. Dig Out Your Caravan Insurance

Many sited log cabins for sale in the UK often include insurance. If you’ve never appreciated the significance of a static caravan insurance document before, winter is an excellent time to do so. 

Dig out the document and peruse through it, keeping your eyes out for any terms that touch on site closure and unoccupied caravans. 

The document might clue you in on what the insurance company covers in the event of winter damage. You may also come across several recommendations from the company on what you can do to keep your static caravan in crisp condition during and after winter. For instance, turning off the lights and water and draining down the pipes are usually outlined. 

Note that failure to follow these recommendations could render your static caravan site insurance invalid. As such, you may be ineligible for compensation in the event of winter damage.

2. Check Your Parking Site’s Operation Plans

Static caravans are typically stationed at holiday parks. Some holiday parks remain closed for as long as four months during wintertime. 

Simply put, you’ll not be able to access your caravan throughout winter if the van happens to be stationed in a holiday park that closes during the season. 

Fortunately, you can still find plenty of holiday parks that let you use your caravan during winter. You only need to pay the static caravan site fees charged by the park to access your caravan at all times. 

For great bargains, insist on static caravan lodge facilities that offer complete 12-month holiday packages. With such parks, all you need is a one-time annual license, and you can access your van whenever you please.

3. Keep Your Static Caravan Clean

Most static caravans for sale usually come with a comprehensive handbook detailing how often you should clean the van. Even if the manual doesn’t mention it, normalise cleaning your static caravan before winter and maintaining the van clean throughout the winter months. 

Cleaning your static caravan is highly recommended, whether you’ll be using the van during winter or not. 

Cleaning lowers the risks of condensation and mildew growth. Low humidity inside the van helps to keep internal components free from water-related structural damage. 

To clean your static caravan, begin by removing all net curtains. You might also want to pull regular curtains back to prevent them from getting damp from condensation. 

Next, vacuum pack your bedding. That helps prevent the curtains from getting dusty. It also eliminates the smell of damp. 

4. Air Your Caravan Out

It’s not enough to clean your static caravan before and during winter. It’s also recommended to air the van out as regularly as possible.

Increasing airflow inside a static caravan makes the van smell fresher and less stuffy. It also helps eliminate the potent smell of some detergents. 

Most importantly, airing your static caravan during winter helps reduce condensation. As you allow more air into the van, warmer internal air rises and diffuses out of the van before it can form condensation. 

The best way to air your static caravan during winter is by opening windows and doors. You can also consider installing a fan.

Caravan airflow

5. Clear Your Belongings

Clearing your belongings from a static caravan is another valuable tip for winterising your caravan. That’s especially true if you won’t be using the caravan during the winter months. 

Begin by removing your valuables, including electrical and electronic equipment like portable heaters, televisions, DVD players, etc.  

This serves two purposes. First, it prevents dampness from collecting on these surfaces and possibly causing damage. And secondly, it deters potential thieves. 

After clearing your valuables, remove all food packets, including the opened and unopened ones. Doing so can discourage mice and other rodents from venturing into the van and gnawing on internal parts. You can only leave tinned goods provided you store them in cupboards lined with paper. That prevents rust caused by damping.

static caravan clean

6. Drain Down the Caravan

Draining down is another crucial tip to winterise a static caravan. The good news is that many holiday parks offer a service that allows you to drain down your caravan. Even better, you can undertake this procedure by yourself. 

To drain down your caravan, follow the procedure below;

  1. Disconnect the water from the mains
  2. Locate and open the drain down taps underneath the static caravan
  3. Turn on all taps and leave them on till all the water flows out
  4. Use a pump to push any remaining water through the pipes
  5. When all the water has drained out, pour some antifreeze into the plug holes to prevent any water left in the drains from freezing and causing damage
  6. Remove any detachable plumbing fixtures, such as shower-heads and shower hose
  7. Flush the toilet and treat any remaining water with antifreeze
  8. Close the toilet lid

NB: You don’t need to drain the central heating system. Just ensure you read the handbook on how to leave your boiler during winter.

7. Secure Your Caravan

The last (but not least) tip for winterising your caravan is to secure the van. 

Begin by locking the front door. You can leave the windows and other doors open to improve airflow inside the van. However, check to ensure the windows are well-secured by their locks and seals.  

Next, block all gaps to keep critters at bay. To find where the holes are, try checking skylights and the roof and chassis for any loose gaps and joints.

Final Word

It’s recommended to winterise your static caravan, whether you’re planning to retreat to the van during winter or not. We hope you can implement the above-reviewed tips to make your caravan winter-ready this year.

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